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What Is A Raspberry Pi

Arguably one of the cheapest Linux powered computers on the planet right now, the Raspberry Pi is a small credit card sized circuit board developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation and was designed to teach young kids programming skills and to get a better understanding of how computers work. But since it’s launch because of its easy to use nature people of all ages young and old from all across the globe have found interesting ways to make use of this tiny little computer.



So what are the basic components needed to run the Raspberry Pi?

  • A standard USB keyboard and mouse
  • Micro USB power source such as a mobile phone charger
  • Micro SD card like the ones commonly found in mobile phones and cameras
  • HDMI computer monitor or TV



Here is a list of the most common things you can do with little or no programming skills.

Click the Hyperlinks for more info.


There are so many other more complicated uses for Pi, check out this video for the Top 10:



Be sure to check out the community projects over at

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