
Build | Fix | Re-use

June 2015

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak says humans will be robots’ pets

Humans will be taken care of like pets should robots take over because AI will want to preserve us as part of nature

The world’s first commercial jetpack will cost $150,000 next year

Jetpacks could fly out of science fiction and on to the streets carrying first responders and millionaires next year

Eskom – What a Total Blackout Could Be Like

The following video featured on National Geographic simulates what a total power outage could be like. The footage shown is not real but it gives you a rough idea of what would happen should the national power grid fail. I imagine it would be similar in that power outages would start in the form of load shedding perhaps stage 3 or more and then would become more and more frequent

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How to make a Battery from Trash

This Video tutorial is brought to you by a project to help provide LED flashlights and batteries to the poor. In this video we were able to create a series of charcoal batteries wrapped in felt that had been soaked in lye and got a reading of 2.5 volts.     If you want to test this project on your own you will need the following: aluminum foil charcoal or pencil lead

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Makeshift Electrical Generator

Learn how to make a 40 Watt Electrical Generator from a cordless drill and a few household items. With this makeshift generator you can charge a phone, illuminate small lights, and make electricity. This DIY project is brought to you by The King Of Random.   Note: This project is intended to be a “bare-bones” approach to generating electricity in a tight situation. There are no voltage regulators, no diodes and no

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Eskom National Power Blackout – Survival Tips & Tricks

It’s always best to be prepared in case of a total national power blackout which could last for weeks so keep these handy DIY tips in mind. In addition to these you may want to stock up on water because the water being delivered to your home are done so using electronically powered pumps and even the water filtration system runs on electricity. Cash is also good to keep on hand

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The Origami Robot

At ICRA 2015 in Seattle yesterday, researchers from MIT demonstrated an untethered miniature origami robot that self-folds, walks, swims, and degrades. That’s the title of their paper, in fact, and they delivered on all of those promises: from a flat sheet with a magnet on it, their robot folds itself up in just a few seconds, is immediately ready to zip around on land or water driven by magnetic fields,

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FONA MiniGSM Phone Module

The FONA MiniGSM Module from Adafruit is an awesome piece of tech perfect for those of you wanting to build a mobile phone or perhaps you want to hook it up to your existing projects and add voice, text, SMS and data. Note that on its own this module doesn’t do much you will need a micro-controller such as an Arduino to drive it.   Here are some features for this device:

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Are drones really on the verge of delivering packages to your doorstep?

Amazon says it is ready to fly deliveries by drone as soon as federal rules allow but experts suggest technological intricacies still need to be ironed out

SpaceX announces Hyperloop pod-race competition

Can you build a half-size, hypersonic passenger pod? If so, Elon Musk wants to hear from you

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